Zoom Meeting June 16: Heather Kenny

This will be an interesting meeting so be sure to attend. Some of the business items we will cover are: Election of Tory Gussman, Program Report from Tory on the upcoming presentation by Nick Newberry, Ann Carpenter will report on our donations to other organizations, Purple Martin Project Update, Update on Community Cloud Forest Conservation, Update on the HRBT South Island, and other items.

Heather Kenny will present on her field work this summer with Bluebirds and noise pollution.

The Zoom link has been sent via email through the WBC Google Groups mailing list.

CANCELLED: March 2020 Meeting: Purple Martins

The March meeting has been cancelled. Our speaker has decided to not come because of the Coronavirus. Also, William and Mary will only be holding classes online and our meeting room is not available.

Join us Wednesday, March 18th, in Andrews Hall Room 101 at the College of William and Mary at 7:00 for our March meeting. Mike Bishop from the Northern Virginia Purple Martin Initiative will tell us about the initiative.