January Meeting: Pete Myers “Bird Bedlam and the Beach”

This will be a Zoom-only meeting about shorebirds. If you are a WBC member, you should have the email with the link to the Zoom meeting, which will be at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 18.

Join us on January 18, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom for Pete Myers’ presentation, “Bird Bedlam on the Beach.” Pete is a biologist, author, and photographer living near White Hall, VA. He has photographed birds for over four decades and spent thousands of hours on the beaches of northern California, including on Point Reyes.

From Pete:
“[My] images reveal details of bird bedlam on sandy beaches few casual observers will ever see. Georgia O’Keefe taught us not just to look, but to see the beauty of nature in its intimate details. She worked with subjects, often flowers, that at best move very slowly, but mostly not at all. Birds, in contrast, move rapidly, often faster than our eyes can track. With modern photographic equipment, I try to emulate O’Keefe: to capture intimate moments in birds’ lives on sandy beaches—feeding, fighting, flying, and dying—and with these images share those moments with you. Each one has a rich story behind it.”

November 16 Meeting: Alex Wilke – Connections Across the Hemispheres: Shorebird Conservation on Virginia’s Eastern Shore

This meeting is Zoom only.

Did you know that the Eastern Shore of Virginia is one of the most important places for shorebirds in the entire Western Hemisphere?  It is!  We will discuss the global plight of shorebird populations as they face threats such as habitat loss, disturbance and climate change.  We will also explore the important coastal habitats that we have right here on the Eastern Shore that support many of these shorebird species and learn more about the work that the Volgenau Virginia Coast Reserve and their partners are doing to protect and manage these species.  (Alex Wilke is a Coastal Scientist at The Nature Conservancy’s Volgenau Virginia Coast Reserve on the Eastern Shore of Virginia.)

If you are interested in this program and are not on the Williamsburg Bird Club mailing list, fill out the Contact form and we will send you a link. You do not have to be a WBC member to attend the presentation.

October 19th Meeting: 6:00 p.m. Shawn Dash – Corvids of Virginia

Please join us on Wednesday, 19 Oct, at 6 p.m. for our October meeting. Our speaker will be Dr. Shawn Dash, Associate Professor in Hampton University’s Department of Biological Studies, on the “Corvids of the United States”. Just in time for Halloween, Dr. Dash will provide insights on these “spooky” birds and discuss their unique behaviors and intelligence. This meeting will be in-person at the Williamsburg Regional Library Theater on Scotland Street and via Zoom

Here is the zoom link for the October 19 meeting 
Topic: Williamsburg Club Presentation: Dr. Shawn Dash, “Corvids of the United States.”
Time: Oct 19, 2022 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 843 6333 2684
Passcode: 753863
One tap mobile
+13092053325,,84363332684#,,,,*753863# US
+13126266799,,84363332684#,,,,*753863# US (Chicago)
Dial by your location
+1 309 205 3325 US
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+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
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+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 843 6333 2684
Passcode: 753863
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbshyrWgUN

Hope to see you Wednesday!

Patty Maloney
Vice President, Programs
Williamsburg Bird Club

September 21 Meeting: Jim Easton “Nature Photography with a Focus on Birds.”

Join us as Jim Easton, an awesome local nature photographer, covers the aspects of creating a good photograph including light, location, equipment, and several important design elements of composition. His presentation will include stunning images of birds, many of which were taken at local trails, parks, and gardens. Jim will share technical information and practical tips along with some philosophical quotations and musings on the art of photography.

This will be an in-person meeting as well as a Zoom meeting. If you want to join in on Zoom, WBC members will be sent a link. If you are not a member, you may also come to the meeting or join in on Zoom. Send us an email requesting the Zoom link. https://williamsburgbirdclub.org/contact/

May Meeting: Megan Thomas – Richmond Peregrine Falcon Cam – Zoom only

Please note! This meeting is being held the fourth Wednesday of the month, rather than the third. There was a scheduling conflict with the library when we were planning an in-person meeting. We have switched to a Zoom-only meeting because of the rising COVID-19 cases, but kept the date that we have advertised.

Our presenter is Meagan Thomas, Watchable Wildlife Biologist/Certified Wildlife Biologist with the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR). Her presentation, “History of the Richmond Falcon Cam and the Rebound of Virginia’s Peregrine Falcons”, will center on DWR’s Richmond Falcon Cam, including a history of the numerous birds seen on camera throughout the years, as well as a brief look into the natural history, decline, and conservation of Peregrine Falcons across the Commonwealth.

If you are a member of the Williamsburg Bird Club, a link will be sent through the mailing list. If you are not a member but want to attend this Zoom meeting, please contact us and request the Zoom link. We will be more than happy to send you a link.