Bird Walk at New Quarter Park, 7/28/2018

Front Row: Cathy Flanagan, Annmarie Wojtal, Robert Wojtal, Shirley Devan,
Back Row: Scot Hemler, Jim Derham, George Martin, Nancy Barnhart, Jan Lockwood, and Portia Belden. Photo by Shirley Devan.
Attendees not in the photo:
Joyce Lowry, Cathy Bond, Frank and Lark Smith

The fourteen birders attending the New Quarter Park Bird Walk on Saturday, July 28, lingered at the dock on Queens Creek to watch the stars of the day – in addition to the nine Great Egrets and two Great Blue Herons that stretched along the Creek, an adult and three juvenile Yellow-crowned Night-herons, disturbed by the incoming tide, perched in the trees above the boats and gave us exceptional scope views. We also enjoyed seeing a mature Bald Eagle and the three recently fledged juvenile Osprey, which are growing stronger and flying further although they’re still dependent on the adult for food. They may well have begun their first migration south before our next bird walk on August 25.

See list of birds seen on eBird

Bird Walk at Warhill Sports Complex, 7/14/2018

We saw 40 species at the Warhill Sports Complex. For mid-July, 40 species is pretty good. Some birds were easier to spot than others! For example, here is my photo of the Osprey nest.

Osprey Nest. Photo by Shirley Devan

Also, here is Nancy Barnhart’s photo of the hard to find Common Yellowthroat!

Common Yellowthroat. Photo by Nancy Barnhart

See list of birds we saw on eBird