Bird Walk at New Quarter Park, 11/24/2018

Many thanks to Jan for leading us around the park. One of the highlights was the Osprey flying over Queen’s Creek. And of course, Andy’s granddaughter.

Standing: Scott Hemler, Laura Mae, Sue Mutell, Nancy Barnhart, Bill Williams, Andy Hawkins, George Martin Sitting: Jan Lockwood, Joyce Lowry, Andy’s granddaughter, Susan Wolfe, Cheryl Jacobson, Shirley Devan

See eBird list.

Bird Walk at Powhatan Creek Trail, 11/10/2018

Bill Williams
Nancy Barnhart – had to leave early
Sue Mutell
Jayne Willingham (from Baton Rouge)
Scott Hemler
Laura Mae (from Chesapeake)
Linda Scherer
Heather Power
Karen King
Jan Lockwood
See the birds – includes photos of some birds — at eBird list

Bird Walk at New Quarter Park, 10/27/2018

Left to Right: Lizzy Green, Scott Hemler, David Lunt, Jim Corliss, Patty Maloney, Sue Mutell, Cheryl Jacobson, Chelsea and Alex, Bruce Glendening (not pictured), Photo by Jan Lockwood

See what birds were seen on the eBird list

Bird Walk at New Quarter Park, 9/22/2018

The highlight was a return visit by four Bottlenose Dolphin, our second sighting in Queens Creek during this summer’s bird walks.

Back Row: 2 unknown out of town visitors, Scott Hemler, Frank Smith, Lark Smith
Front Row: Joe Jones, Leticia Lussier, Lynn Collins, David Lunt, Cathy Millar
Not in photo: Geoff Giles, Andrew Rapp, Courtney Check

See the eBird list of birds seen on the walk.