Bird Walk at Powhatan Creek Trail, 11/9/2019

11/09/2019 08:00 - 10:00
Powhatan Creek Trail / Clara Byrd Baker Elementary School
Address: 3131 Ironbound Rd, Williamsburg, VA

It was a delightfully calm, sunny and crisp morning on the Trail. The birds appeared to be late rising in the 37 degree temperatures, but we were fortunate to enjoy long and great looks at two Red-shouldered Hawks flying about the pond at the trail entrance. Hermit Thrush as well as Ruby and Golden Crowned Kinglets were seen in the woods and we lingered at the second bridge where a Red-headed Woodpecker, more Kinglets, Carolina Chickadees, Tufted Titmouse, American Goldfinch, and White-throated and Song Sparrows were active.

See eBird list