Bird Walk at New Quarter Park, 11/26/2022

11/26/2022 08:00 - 10:00
New Quarter Park
Address: 1000 Lakeshead Dr., Williamsburg, Va

We had twelve people for the November bird walk at New Quarter Park. We saw 32 species of birds. Most of our woodpeckers made an appearance yesterday as we saw seven species! Our winter ducks are starting to arrive as we saw two Buffleheads and three Hooded Mergansers. We also had a very coorporative Hermit Thrush that all got a very good look at. It was a beautiful late fall morning for a walk.

Front row: Scott Hemler, Avery, Tom Crockett, Pamela Warren, Martha Moss
Back Row: Jan Lockwood, Thad Hecht, Babs Giffin, Susan Crockett, Ralph Moss. Photo by Shirley Devan.

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