Bird Walk at New Quarter Park, 11/23/2019

11/23/2019 08:00 - 10:00
New Quarter Park
Address: 1000 Lakeshead Dr., Williamsburg, Va

Overall, the woods and Queens Creek were quiet on Saturday, November 23 as fourteen birders searched for our area’s winter birds – especially those who’ve recently returned to spend the colder months in New Quarter Park. A Hermit Thrush gave everyone great looks as it perched pumping its tail and some Ruby-crowned Kinglets gave us fleeting looks. A solitary Bufflehead flew by, the Ring-billed Gulls have replaced the Laughing Gulls at the Queens Lake Marina, we heard Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers and we found a few White-throated Sparrows and Yellow-rumped warblers. The trees compensated with a display of glorious color.

Babs Giffin, Shirley Devan, Hannah Benner, Paula Perdoni, Wayne Moyer, Gary West, George Martin, Marie Struble, Frank Smith, Jerry Felix and Nancy Barnhart
Not in the photo:
Carol Ball, Sue Mutell and Jan Lockwood

See list of birds on eBird