Just a few of the birds you’ll see in the coastal plains of Virginia. Photos mostly taken by bird club members (or former members).
Eastern Meadowlark (Photo by Cheryl Jacobson)
Brown Pelican (Photo by Gil Frey)
Green Heron (Photo by Jeanette Navia)
Black-crowned Night-heron (Photo by Joe Piotrowski)
King Rail at Mackay Island (Photo by D&C Wilcox)
Bald Eagle (Photo by Beth Morgan)
Cooper’s Hawk (Photo by Beth Morgan)
Carolina Chickadee
Red-winged Blackbird (Photo by Cathy Flanagan)
Northern Shovelers (Photo by Steve Devan)
Red-tailed Hawk (Photo by Beth Morgan)
Cattle Egret (Photo by Fred Blystone)
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Photo by Steve Devan)
Barred Owls (Photo by Gil Frey)
Clapper Rail at Bethel Beach, May 2010 (Photo by Dave Wilcox)
Osprey (Photo by Steve Devan)
Ruby-throated Hummingbirds (Photo by Mareyellen Smith)
Pileated Woodpecker (Photo by Jan Lockwood)
American Goldfinch (Photo by Bill Williams)
Eastern Bluebird (Photo by Jeanette Navia)
Great Blue Heron (Photo by Cheryl Jacobson)
Hermit Thrush (Photo by Steve Devan)
Blue Grosbeak (Photo by Cheryl Jacobson)
Red-headed Woodpecker (Photo by Cheryl Jacobson)
Ruby-throated Hummingbird (Photo by Bill Williams)
Northern Cardinal, male (Photo by Cathy Flanagan)
Red-Bellied Woodpeckers (Photo by Cheryl Jacobson)
Northern Flicker (Photo by Inge Curtis)
White-eyed Vireo in nest (Photo by Inge Curtis)
Great Horned Owl (Photo by Joe Piotrowski)