
< 2017 >
  • Bird Walk at New Quarter Park, 6/10/2017

    08:00 -10:00
    1000 Lakeshead Dr., Williamsburg, Va

    Back Row: Thad Hecht, Zack Poelker, Betsy Middleton, Jeanette Navia, John Janovick, Jim Mayfield, Tom McCary
    Front Row: Lieve Keeney, Jason Strickland (leader), Jan Lockwood, Nancy Barnhart, Joyce Lowry, Janice Mayfield, Shirley Devan
    Not in the photo: Raymond Harrison
    New Quarter Park, York, Virginia, US
    Sat Jun 10, 2017 8:00 AM – 10:15 AM
    Protocol: Traveling
    0.75 mile(s)
    Comments: WBC walk
    42 species (+1 other taxa)
    25Canada Goose
    5Great Blue Heron
    7Great Egret
    2Turkey Vulture
    1Sharp-shinned/Cooper’s Hawk
    1Clapper Rail
    1Mourning Dove
    2Yellow-billed Cuckoo
    1Chimney Swift
    2Ruby-throated Hummingbird
    3Red-bellied Woodpecker
    2Downy Woodpecker
    1Pileated Woodpecker
    2Eastern Wood-Pewee
    3Acadian Flycatcher
    1Great Crested Flycatcher
    1Eastern Kingbird
    2Red-eyed Vireo
    1Blue Jay
    3American Crow
    1Tree Swallow
    5Barn Swallow
    3Carolina Chickadee
    4Tufted Titmouse
    1White-breasted Nuthatch
    2Carolina Wren
    3Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
    1Eastern Bluebird
    2Wood Thrush
    8American Robin
    1Common Yellowthroat
    1Hooded Warbler
    2Yellow-throated Warbler
    1Prairie Warbler
    1Chipping Sparrow
    3Eastern Towhee
    4Summer Tanager
    2Northern Cardinal
    3Brown-headed Cowbird
    2Common Grackle
    5American Goldfinch
  • Bird Walk at New Quarter Park, 6/24/2017

    07:00 -09:00

    Seated: Jan Lockwood, Joan Golliday, Joyce Lowry, Nancy Barnhart, Shirley Devan Standing: Sue Mutell, Jim Corliss (leader), and Tom McCary
    New Quarter Park, York, Virginia, US
    Jun 24, 2017 7:00 AM – 9:00 AM
    Protocol: Traveling
    1.5 mile(s)
    Comments: Partly cloudy, windy, 80F
    37 species (+1 other taxa)
    eBird list
    1duck sp.
    9Great Blue Heron
    2Great Egret
    6Turkey Vulture
    2Bald Eagle
    4Royal Tern
    3Mourning Dove
    1Yellow-billed Cuckoo
    1Chimney Swift
    1Ruby-throated Hummingbird
    2Red-bellied Woodpecker
    3Downy Woodpecker
    1Pileated Woodpecker
    1Eastern Wood-Pewee
    3Acadian Flycatcher
    2Great Crested Flycatcher
    1Yellow-throated Vireo
    2Red-eyed Vireo
    4American Crow
    1Northern Rough-winged Swallow
    3Barn Swallow
    3Carolina Chickadee
    4Tufted Titmouse
    3White-breasted Nuthatch
    3Carolina Wren
    5Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
    4American Robin
    1Hooded Warbler
    2Yellow-throated Warbler
    4Chipping Sparrow
    1Eastern Towhee
    4Summer Tanager
    3Northern Cardinal
    1Brown-headed Cowbird
    3Common Grackle
    2House Finch
    4American Goldfinch