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    Bird Walk at Lake Matoaka, 3/10/2018

    08:00 -10:00
    Lake Matoaka
    Corner of Brooks St. and Compton Dr., Williamsburg, VA
    Participants in the Williamsburg Bird Club’s bird walk at Lake Matoaka. Photo by Nancy Barnhart (walk leader, not shown)
    Sat Mar 10, 2018 7:50 AM
    Protocol: Traveling
    Party Size: 28
    Duration: 2 hour(s), 10 minute(s)
    Distance: 1.5 mile(s)
    4Canada Goose
    6Green-winged Teal
    1Ring-necked Duck
    2Pied-billed Grebe
    2Double-crested Cormorant
    4Great Blue Heron
    1Red-tailed Hawk
    1Ring-billed Gull
    3Mourning Dove
    1Belted Kingfisher
    4Red-bellied Woodpecker
    3Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
    3Downy Woodpecker
    1Northern Flicker
    1Pileated Woodpecker
    1Eastern Phoebe
    6Blue Jay
    2American Crow
    1Fish Crow
    2Tree Swallow
    7Carolina Chickadee
    9Tufted Titmouse
    2White-breasted Nuthatch
    3Carolina Wren
    1Golden-crowned Kinglet
    2Ruby-crowned Kinglet
    3Eastern Bluebird
    1Hermit Thrush
    12American Robin
    3Pine Warbler
    5Yellow-rumped Warbler
    2Song Sparrow
    10Northern Cardinal
    14Red-winged Blackbird
    12Rusty Blackbird
    60Common Grackle
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    March Field Trip: Curles Neck Plantation FULL

    07:00 -12:00

    This limited-participant field trip is FULL.

    Note this is a Sunday and not our usual week for the field trip but when something is this special you take it when you can get it.

    Curles Neck Plantation (also known as Curles Neck Farm) is located between State Route 5 and the north bank of the James River in the Varina district of Henrico County, Virginia. One of the great James River Plantations, Curles Neck has remained in active use for almost 400 years and remains a privately owned working farm which is not currently open to the public. Curles Neck Farm is a 5600-acre property and because it is a private property the owner only allows restricted access. WBC is extremely lucky to be able to go there for our field trip on March 11 (Sunday).

    Our leader will be Ellison Orcult who know the property owner and because of his good relationship is allowed to occasionally lead a field trip on the property. When Ellison was last there in late December, he saw 4 Ross’s Geese, 23 Cackling Geese, 3100 Snow Geese (many dark morph Blue Geese), and 15,000 Canada Geese.  Other great birds were Short-eared Owl, Great Horned Owl, Horned Lark, White crowned Sparrow, and Wilson’s Snipe.

    Opportunities such as this is one of many great reasons to be a member of WBC and to pay your dues promptly as only the first 20 members can participate.  

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    March Meeting: Dan Cristol

    19:00 -21:30
    Andews Hall Room 101
    605 Jamestown Rd., Williamsburg, VA

    Our very own WBC member, Dr. Dan Cristol will discuss the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and concerns regarding factors impacting it under the current Administration. All WBC members are encouraged to participate in a letter writing session at the end of the meeting, where stamps will be made available.

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    Bird Walk at New Quarter Park, 3/24/2018

    08:00 -10:00
    New Quarter Park
    1000 Lakeshead Dr., Williamsburg, Va
    Front row: Jan Lockwood, Susan Wolfe, Lynn Collins, Ruth Gordon (leader), Patty Maloney. Back row: Tom McCary, Sue Mutell, Micah Perryman, Dave Lauthers, Wayne Moyer, and Scott Hemler. Not pictured, Deane Gordon (who took the photo), Lee Gibson and Ava Gibson, Lark and Frank Smith, and Jenny Hawes
    Sat Mar 24, 2018 8:00 AM
    Party Size: 17
    Duration: 2 hour(s)
    Distance: 1.0 mile(s)
    4Red-breasted Merganser
    2Double-crested Cormorant
    5Great Blue Heron
    2Black Vulture
    4Turkey Vulture
    3Bald Eagle
    1Red-tailed Hawk
    1Ring-billed Gull
    3Mourning Dove
    7Red-bellied Woodpecker
    4Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
    4Downy Woodpecker
    1Hairy Woodpecker
    1Pileated Woodpecker
    1American Crow
    3Carolina Chickadee
    2Tufted Titmouse
    2White-breasted Nuthatch
    2Carolina Wren
    1Ruby-crowned Kinglet
    4Eastern Bluebird
    2Hermit Thrush
    12American Robin
    6Yellow-rumped Warbler
    4Dark-eyed Junco
    1Eastern Towhee
    3Northern Cardinal
    1Red-winged Blackbird
    3Brown-headed Cowbird
    4Common Grackle
    1House Finch
    6American Goldfinch