Meeting: Bob Ake – The Birds of Ghana

03/17/2021 19:00 - 21:00

During November 2019 Bill Williams and I traveled around Ghana on a countrywide birding trip with Rockjumper Tours. This talk is a summary of that trip giving an introduction to the birds of Ghana together with some of the history of the country. The African mammals we saw are also included. The principal motivation for going to Ghana was my continuing pursuit of observing a member from each family of the world’s birds. This was my first trip to West Africa which has a distinct avifauna of its own.

Bob came to Virginia in 1969 as a member of the Chemistry faculty at Old Dominion University. When not in the lab or the classroom, he spent an enormous amount of time chasing birds of one sort or another in most of the various corners of the world. While in Virginia he has served in many capacities for the VSO, the Cape Henry Audubon Society, and CVWO and conducted bird surveys at Back Bay, Dismal Swamp, and Fisherman’s Island NWRs. For twenty years he ran pelagic trips and for an additional twenty years has led birding tours to many parts of the US and abroad. More recently he has been satisfied to let others lead the tours including the Ghana trip.