CANCELLED: Chippokes Plantation State Park

03/21/2020 08:00 - 12:00
Chippokes Plantation State Park
Address: 695 Chippokes Park Rd, Surry, VA

This event has been CANCELLED due to concerns about the coronavirus.

The Club’s March field trip will be on Saturday, March 21, 2020 to Chippokes Plantation State Park in Surry County. Nick Newberry will lead us on the trails in the park. According to the eBird database, there should still be ducks in the James River. In the forest, winter residents should still be present, and we might get to see some early migrants. Spotting scopes should be helpful for viewing birds along the river.

For those who want to carpool, let’s meet at the Colony Square Shopping Center on Jamestown Road at 7:00 AM for a departure time of 7:10 AM sharp. I expect we’ll arrive at the park around 8:00 AM.

For those who wish to drive themselves, the destination address is 695 Chippokes Park Road, Surry, VA 23883. The admission fee to the state park is $7. I encourage those with annual state park
passes to drive.